We are a group of professionals with vast experience in environmental assessment and management.

Our work is supported by three main values: thoroughness in the execution, transparent links and the convergence of public and private experiences.

Our main purpose is to improve the organizational and production processes to meet the sustainability goals set. In addition, GAIA is a part of a wide network of sustainability boards and organizations.

Francisco García Faure

Francisco graduated in Sociology (UBA) and is currently studying to get a Master’s degree in Urban Economy (UTDT).  He is a specialist in Social Management and in the design and facilitation of dialogue processes and participation. In addition, he has broad experience in infrastructure project management as wells as in investments in health, jobs, social protection and rural production.

Hugo Scacchi

Civil Engineer (UNC) and Sanitary Engineering Specialist (UTN). Associate consultant, experienced in environmental projects and studies, especially in the design and operation of landfills for MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) management. He has taken on managing roles in leading companies in the urban hygiene market.

Lorena Vergelín

Lorena holds a University Degree in Industrial Design (PUCE) and is studying for a Master’s Degree in Metropolitan Environmental Management (UBA). She specializes in the development of products and in the design and application of technology for sustainability management. She is also the creative director of art in green campaigns.

Juan Lescano

Biologist (UNC) specialized in Industrial Biotechnology (UBA) and also holds a Master’s degree in Metropolitan Environmental Management (UBA). He specializes in building tools for land use planning and environmental resources’ management. He is also qualified in management of MSW.

Alexis Blankjelder

Alexis has earned a University Degree in Security and Hygiene (UM) as well as in Employment Relations (UBA). He is a specialist in the prevention and evaluation of work hazards and risks according to the current legislation. He is proficient with claims audit and system design for organizations.

Santiago Iorio

Santiago holds a Sociology degree (UBA) and a Master’s degree in Design and Management of Social Programs (FLACSO). He is a specialist in strategic planning and in investigation methodology. He is skillful in applied statistics within public and private spheres.



Legal and technical solutions to demands originated by the current regulatory frameworks and their changes.

  1. Waste Management
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment
  3. Legal Counsel on Environmental Litigation
  4. Health and Safety at work


Technical solutions for specific problems unrelated to law-abiding

  1. Formulation and evaluation of land-use planning.
  2. Multivariate analysis and performance evaluation.
  3. Intranets for risk management.


Assistance in communicative processes and environmental marketing for organizations and governments.

  1. Green Marketing and strengthening of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).
  2. Training on environmental awareness for private and public sectors.
  3. Creation of dissemination campaigns on development and sustainability.
  4. Resolution of problems about development and sustainability.



 We have creditable experience with big infrastructure projects with international funding. GAIA accompanies other organizations when preparing bidding documents, formulating executive projects and developing environmental and social components in each project’s cycle. Our main intervention areas are urban infrastructure, especially urban hygiene, and energetic and mining projects.


We conduct environmental and social studies for big real estate developments, guaranteeing environmental, municipal and governmental authorities’ approval.


We facilitate the implementation and development of industrial projects of diverse areas and scales. We also help attain Environmental Aptitude Certificates and Water Use Permits throughout the country.


GAIA provides technical support for companies, civil society organizations and local governments in processes of implementation of Municipal Solid Waste management. We also design and develop management strategies for a wide range of Solid Waste streams.